Bobby Shmurda was reportedly involved in a gang-related jail fight.(News)
Bobby Shmurda reportedly involved in a gang-related jailhouse scrum last month.
Bobby Shmurda was reportedly involved in a gang-related jailfight in Otis Bantum Correctional Center in Queens on April 15. Shmurda!
According to TMZ, the fracas pitted four Crips, including Shmurda, against two Bloods in a fistfight and ended with jail guards using pepper spray to quell the violence. He described jail as "survival of the fittest" back in February.
The incident didn't appear to affect his and Rowdy Rebel's trial date, which is scheduled for June 25. Hopefully he spends the time between then and now working on his Shmoney dance rather than getting into fights. Then again, maybe getting into fights is what makes Bobby Shmurda Bobby Shmurda.