Farewell 106 & Park

We would like to take time out our life and tell @106andpark farewell‼️Today was the last #106andpark show that will ever air on live tv. For 14 years and 14 weeks #106andpark have bless the #HipHop culture with a media outlet that help out a lot of young black men and women to move forward in there career and build more success for there self and brand. For 14 years and 14 weeks #106andpark has inspired us to chase our dream and know that there a place where you can be heard. That what inspire us to build a online hip hop platform for artist to be heard now two years later we are one of the hottest #hiphopblog out‼️#106andpark will be missed and there will never be anything that can compare to the 14 years and 14 weeks of entertainment #106andpark have bless our culture with #Disishiphop #DIHH™
