50 Cent affiliate Mikey Fingers has been arrested for allegedly stealing Slowbucks' chain at Hot 97's Summer Jam last weekend. Details are slim, but DISisHipHop reports that Mike Lighty, brother of Chris Lightly called Slowbucks out on Twitter over Mikey's arrest. "#ShoutOut The coward @slowbucks For Snitching On the Homie Aka Tio #MikeyFingers !!!!! These @slowbucks Cats talk about killing drugs and gangs But when the block Is flamming these be the same Cowards Snitching and pointing People Out ..... #Free my ni*** #MikeyFingers !!!!" The tweet has since been deleted.  Slowbucks recently called a press conference about the incident and plans to sue 50 Cent for brand embellishment. (News)


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